STEM Hive: Carolina Perez, Daniel Gaston, and Veronica Juca

Their Mission? To build a community where middle and high school underrepresented students can take interest in STEM and pursue it in college and in their future careers.

How do they do this? Our mission is to engage students in our program by providing near-peer mentoring in-person and online workshops, and a reward system to celebrate student’s accomplishments.

In this interview, Carlos Rico interviews three members of STEM Hive, a non-profit based in CUNY, rooted in educational opportunity for underrepresented students. Revealed in this interview is the heart of the immigrant story, and the dedication of a unifed America and world; one person at a time.

Their website can be found here:


Lionel Spencer: Father, Artist, Graduate Student


Alexandra Maruri: Founder and CEO of Bronx Historical Tours